3 tips for keeping your Gmail account safe

Last week I wrote about how to keep your email accounts safe and today I will be going in to more detail on the subject. Google have made it very easy to lock down your Gmail account through the use of on site settings and a few security features they have programmed into their mail service that are always on. But first …

Lock down your webmail accounts

Everyone has a web mail account either through their ISP (iiNet, Telstra, Westnet etc.) or through a mail provider (GMail, Yahoo!Mail, Outlook.com) and not everyone is as secure as they should be. In 2014 the biggest user of emails (other than spam emails) have been businesses sending over 108.7 Billion emails per DAY. It has been estimated that by 2018 …

Top 6 tips to keep your computer running

Computers, much like cars, need constant maintenance to help keep them running quickly, quietly and efficiently. Without this constant maintenance your computer will end up with problems. Most of these can be done by the average home user and should be done on a weekly or monthly basis. Others can be done by some home users or by trained computer …

Customer Service Award 2014

Computer Mechanics has won the Customer Service Award for 2014. Only the top 5% of companies through out Australia are given these awards and Computer Mechanics was glad to receive an award this year. Have you used Computer Mechanics in the past and want to leave us a review? Head on over to our Reviews Page and leave us a …

Upgrading to Windows 8.1 from Windows 8

Before you start! First off you will not lose any data. Make sure Windows is up to date. Close all running programs/save all your work Keeping Up-To-Date Most people don’t know what version of Windows 8 they are running, but as it turns out far too many people are using Windows 8 still, and Microsoft no longer offer support for …

How to Backup Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. Don’t risk all your files

Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 appear to be the point that Microsoft gave up getting people to backup their computers. The backup process is a lot less noticeable and is hidden away with a different name in the often inaccessible (unless you know where to look) Control Panel. Once you find it though, the steps do not differ too much …

Don’t lose all your data. How to back up Windows 7

Microsoft have many tools available for users to back up ALL their data from their computer without hassle. But the problem is, who knows where to find it? Well it is not hidden away, in fact, Microsoft warn users constantly about backing up their data. The problem is simply that people just ignore it as another Microsoft pop up.  So, …

I don’t back up my data. How bad can that be?

Some food for thought for this upcoming long weekend. How many of you backup your data? Surprisingly enough, only about 10% of people we see do. And that is too few. So as a long weekend project, back up your data. It protects you from nasty viruses like Cryptolocker and from hardware failure. Don’t know how to do it? Simply …

The benefits of using third party IT company support

There are businesses that lack expert-labour when it comes to IT support or want to simply seek third party IT support in order to focus their energies on other crucial business processes that will further contribute to its growth. Whatever reasons for seeking outside IT support are outlined below are the benefits that come with seeking third party IT support …